Sinai Thunder Be My Aurora

DOB 10/15/17

Aurora Side2 2019.JPG

Aurora- God’s gift from my sweet friend Jill. This doe is so precious to me in so many ways. I see a sweet friendship that God grew from several states away; I also see a kind but fiery personality all wrapped into one doe. Her dam, Cassie, is drop dead gorgeous and her sire’s dam is Redemption…Jill’s beloved Red. Aurora has taken over the role of “protector” for our herd…if she hears the slightest noise, she rushes to the front of her herd and postures up. But once she trusts you…she is the sweetest thing. It’s an honor to add this girl to our herd.

Sire: Sinai Thunder T Be Mine *B *S

Dam: SG Sinai Thunder O Cassiopeia 2*M 2*D ADGA Elite (ranking 98% as a FF), in 2019 (95% as a 2F); FF Milk Test High: 4.9#, ButterFat High: 10.7% and she milked 1100# for 305.

Sire's Sire: CapraKoza TR Tevye *B *S

Sire's Dam: SG Kaapio Acres HH Redemption *M *DAR VEEE90, ADGA Elite Doe 2016. ADGA & AGS Top 10 305 & 1Day Test, Breed Leader & Record Setting Overall Score, Production.

Dam's Sire: SG Cedar View Olivero +*B +*S, LA: VEV 88, 2 x ADGA Elite Buck with his first crop. (Entire Dam Line are LA'd90 (or above), Superior Genetics, including 3 of the 4 being awarded ELITE does, two of whom are 2x ADGA Elite Doe)

Dam's Dam: SG Little Tots Estate ST Kowkab *M *DAR AGS Top 10, 94%PE



Dam Cassie. Photo courtesy of Sinai Thunder

Dam Cassie. Photo courtesy of Sinai Thunder

Dam Cassie. Photo courtesy of Sinai Thunder

Dam Cassie. Photo courtesy of Sinai Thunder