Sinai Thunder ASH Serendipity 2*M 2*DAR VEEE90, E90.6

DOB: 5/10/14


Photo courtesy of Sinai Thunder

Photo courtesy of Sinai Thunder

Photo courtesy of Sinai Thunder. FF udder

Photo courtesy of Sinai Thunder. FF udder

Photo courtesy of Sinai Thunder. Sera as a FF

Photo courtesy of Sinai Thunder. Sera as a FF


Sire: ++*B Sinai Thunder AG Asher ++*S 

Dam: SGCH/ARMCH/PGCH Lost Valley Dipp'n Dots 1*M *D VEEE90 2014 ANDDA Total Performer Doe, AGS Nat'l Top 10 Milk Awards. 9x Grand Champion, 9x Best Of Breed in Champion Challenges, 1x BIS,  2x Best Udder, 2014 ANDDA Total Performer Doe & JuJu Silver (54#), 3rd in 2014 AGS National Top 10 1Day Milk Awards, Dam of the 2010 NDGA National Reserve JrGCH

Sire's Sire:  +*B Olson Acres RC Augustine +*S AR/HS

Sire's Dam: SG Cornerstone Farm MM Charity *M *DAR EEEV90, 3xGCH, 1x BIS, 2014 ELITE Doe (95% Production Ranking), ADGA & AGS Nat'l Top 10 Doe, 1170#)

Dam's Sire: ARMCH Lost Valley Tae-Bo ++*S ++*B E91.4 2009 & 2010 AGS National Champion Buck

Dam's Dam: MCH Pecan Hollow GL Faith

In 2017 Sera was appraised at Jill’s (Sinai Thunder) by an AGS classifier and as a 2nd freshener, was awarded Excellent scores (in the 90's) in Style & Breed Character (General Appearance), Dairyness, Body Capacity, and Mammary System. Sera's Fore, Rear, & Support were 91.6. Her Quality, Texture, Balance & Shape were scored 93. Her teats, her lowest score in that category, Sera was awarded a 90. Sera is a 3/4 sister to the 2010 NDGA Nat'l Rsv GCH Jr Doe, Olson Acres CD Goldie Hawn VEVE89 and litter sister to Hyssop Dip *B *S, EEV90. We are looking forward to having Sera classified this year with ADGA- this doe truly is an eye catcher in person!